Beyond all better judgement, I’m a horoscoper. I look to the pages of my paper, or an online version if a hardcopy isn’t available, and I pretend not to care, and I pretend to just happen to flip to the life section, quickly skimming the page until my eyes fall upon Leo and my prediction for the day.
What is wrong with me, anyway? I am an educated and intelligent woman. I know I shouldn’t really care what some star-gazing half-quack is saying about my future outlook, but I can’t get enough. And I’ve been especially crazed since all the beginning-of-the-year predictions have been getting a lot of print space.
So I thought it might be fun to see just how truly relevant my daily horoscope is to my daily reality.
By the way, I’m a Leo. Roar.
January 1, 2009: Right from the get-go of this year, you will wrestle with the implications of a demanding development. Things will progress at breathtaking speed. Prepare for a journey of discovery that sees you hurtling toward prosperity and comfort. Thoroughly apply yourself to a vital project and sheer magic will be manifest.
FYI, this is the horoscope that prompted my new-found addiction. It seemed like such a stunning outlook for me, that I just had to share with everyone. In fact, it was my mom who called me up that morning and read it aloud to me because she also got the same super-feel-good vibe from it as I did.
Accuracy level: High. I started a new job December 8th and due to the holidays and year-end wind up, there was not much that was pressing but there was a promise that we’d be hopping “from the get-go” of January. And because it’s in Sales, “breathtaking” speed seems reliable as does “a journey of discovery” since I’ve never been in Sales before.
January 2, 2009: Being blessed with a feisty personality, you rarely let fate blow you in a direction that you didn't choose. But there is not much sense now in taking some wild and unnecessary risk. Restrain lavish impulses for the moment.
Accuracy level: Low. I don’t see myself as “feisty” and there’s no real “unnecessary risk” out there that I see. We were at the cottage that day. I was tobogganing though – that could be pretty risky.
January 3, 2009: The weight on your shoulders is starting to lighten. There is a natural law that dictates everything must sooner or later change. What goes down must come up. Troughs inevitably rise to peaks. Sadness turns to happiness.
Accuracy level: Low. I was on vacation at the cottage that day tobogganing and snowshoeing and eating. So the prediction is pretty nonsensical. If I had wanted a physics lesson, I would have…hang on, I never want a physics lesson. We actually had to go home that day so weight was added to my shoulders as I had to pack and clean and drive home.
January 4, 2009: Some things come together naturally and effortlessly. Others prove problematic from the outset. The more we try to simplify matters, the more complex they become. Ease the pressure today by doing what relaxes you the most.
Accuracy level: Low. I didn’t have time to relax that day – we had a birthday party at 10 a.m. and then we had to shop, clean and then go to a neighbourhood party at three. We were pretty relaxed about it though. And the wine certainly helped.
January 5, 2009: You are caught in a seemingly hopeless situation. The more you dwell on what's wrong, the more likely you are to end up with what you don't want. Deliverance will come with a gently persistent but intelligently adaptable approach.
Accuracy level: Low. My hopeless situation could have been that the blackberry I was supposed to get at my new job, a month ago, is still not ready for me. And the laptop I was supposed to get got lost in the shuffle of the holidays. So when I get these things, I think I want them but really, what am I asking for? To be reachable at all times and equipped to take work home with me at any given time. I’m not sure about the “intelligently adaptable approach” thing.
January 6, 2009: You are a conscientious, dutiful, diligent, hard-working and loyal Leo who takes obligations and responsibilities very seriously. What you face now is demanding, but you've got more ability, skill and energy than you realize.
Accuracy level: High. Yes! I love hearing I’m conscientious, hard-working and loyal. I love hearing that I have more ability and skill and energy than I realize. I love it! I’m posting this one directly to my resume. I am Leo, hear me freaking ROAR.
January 7, 2009: A new idea will bring you great excitement. You will be eager to pursue it, but hesitant to discuss it openly. Those you do speak to, though, will believe in the strength of your vision.
Accuracy level: Medium. Is it referring to the idea I had to do this? I started it last night at home. I’m also thinking about sending it to my ex-instructor from a freelance course I took last year.
January 8, 2009: You must believe in yourself, but you must also respect those with whom you interact. If you manage to do that, you'll find that success becomes the end result.
Accuracy level: HIGH. Wow. It’s 11:27 am and I just had a bit of a war with a colleague from my old department regarding a project I was using one of his people for. He made the employee back out of the project about three weeks before we’re ready to launch and now I’m stuck. I politely requested that he continue his groups’ involvement to which he all but denied me. So I showed respect by saying fine, I’ll take it myself but what I really wanted to do was tell him off. Then I read this. Let’s see if “success becomes the end result”.
NOTE: 4 p.m. I reacted even more respectfully throughout the day and now I have a new plan of action and no longer have to deal with the guy with whom I interacted. SUCCESS!
January 9, 2009: A series of exciting, albeit unsettling, events may have triggered insecurity but Jupiter will embolden you with confidence and certitude. A wonderful sense of reassurance will inspire your cause.
Accuracy level: HIGH. I DO feel inspired and confident today. Mainly because I fit my weight-losing ass into some fine skinny-ish jeans – a size I don’t ever recall purchasing in my adult years.
I have to post this one from today – It’s from the Globe and Mail and makes me feel fantastic.
If you are one of those Leos who dreams of seeing their name in lights - and which Leo doesn't? - you will very soon get the opportunity to put on a show and dazzle the world with your brilliance. Today though, keep dreaming and keep planning.
January 10, 2009: It is better to push things too far than to not go far enough – you can always retreat. The sky is offering you the chance to go farther today. So take it.
Accuracy level: LOW. Didn’t even leave the house that day. Maybe I blew a great big opportunity?
January 11, 2009: When the time comes for you to take an active role in influencing the future you'll instinctively know it. For now, it's not tomorrow that requires your attention. It's today.
Accuracy level: LOW. Too broad a statement, especially for a Sunday when I’m reading the paper and drinking coffee and procrastinating doing the laundry…hey maybe it’s the future of our laundry that’s at stake?
January 12, 2009: There is a chore that you have been putting off. Perhaps it's an overdue conversation. It may even be a promise that needs to be honoured. You'll feel great the moment it's been addressed.
Accuracy level: HIGH. There was a hole in my son’s room since June when we had ductless a/c installed. My husband and father fixed it. Weight, lifted.
January 13, 2009: At times the world is a delightful place. At other times it forces us to take a terrifying roller-coaster ride. Too much of the latter has been occurring lately, but this long period of concern is coming to an end.
Accuracy level: LOW. No scary roller coaster ride that I know of. I’m busy at work but I like being busy.
January 14, 2009: There is tension and a disagreeable drama is now unfolding. You are concerned that things may spiral out of control in this cavalcade of craziness. Stay focused on the broader picture.
Accuracy level: MEDIUM. It sounds ominous though…I will keep my guard up today. NOTE: nothing happened.
January 15, 2009: In most areas of life, if you want to get better at something, you obtain more information through study and research. It appears that your endeavours in this regard are working. A big idea has merit and a strategy is likely to pay off.
Accuracy level: HIGH. I am trying to get better at my new job and I am researching and learning. I like to hear that everything is working and will pay off.
January 16, 2009: Your future lies ahead where the sky meets the land. But the horizon will always be farther away from you, no matter how fast you run toward it. Finances are likely to receive a little boost.
Accuracy level: WTF? Yes, the horizon is always in the distance. And the point is…? Cool about the financial boost – I will go and buy a lottery ticket for fun. Oh wait, it’s payday. I wonder if Phil Booth (astrologer for The Star) gets paid on the same pay schedule as me and a million others in the city. Yeah, this one is pretty dodgy.
NOTE: I just read the other ‘scopes and financial boosts are no where else to be found. Now I really will buy that ticket.
NOTE: I forgot to buy the lottery ticket. Dammit.
January 17, 2009: Don't even bother trying to set the agenda now. You haven't got the freedom you need and, if you try to fight for it, you'll only upset those to whom you owe something. There's a time and a place for everything and it's coming soon.
Accuracy level: Low. Besides organizing my son’s birthday party, happening in six days, with my family, I have no agenda setting plans.
January 18, 2009: You need to tread gently now. Watch that you don't needlessly upset something or someone. Arguments won't help, intelligence will. So be clever about it.
Accuracy level: Funny, this one. I upset my husband because I made fun of his plastering skills. It was meant to be a joke but it still pissed him off and proved his theory that I am totally unsupportive in all things manly that he does.
January 19, 2009: The future keeps on advancing, as quickly as you try to catch it. But you are now effectively entering a new chapter in your life when you will catch up to what you want. Just be aware that there is more than one future waiting for you out there. Choose wisely.
Accuracy level: Wow. I’m nervous. Does this mean a writing gig for me? Does this mean I’ll finally sit, write something and submit it and have it published? Or is there a whole other future in my new job lurking out there? Can’t wait to find out.
January 20, 2009: If things don't turn out quite as you expect, please don't waste time fretting over what has gone wrong. This setback is apparently a blessing. Something else far better is able to happen instead.
Accuracy level: Low. But I don’t like the sound of it.
January 21, 2009: You are tempted to blame yourself for a perceived failure. Stand back and take another look. It is almost certain you aren't to blame and should let yourself off the hook.
Accuracy level: Low. But again, I don’t want there to be a failure attached to my name. That being said, if it’s my fault, I’ll take the hit. But if it’s not, can I chill and let it be or will I have to be sure that the one to blame takes the hit?
January 22, 2009: I missed this one – I had it saved, then my pc crashed and I lost what I had written and now I can’t find the horoscope on line.
Accuracy level: Low.
January 23, 2009: You will soon have certainty where you once had doubt, strength where you once had weakness, clarity where you once had confusion and support where you once had criticism.
Accuracy level: High. I took the day off to clean the house and prepare for my son’s fourth birthday party with my family. I am certain that we live in a sty, I strongly suggested to my husband that we need a cleaning person if we are to be happy, I was clear on the fact that we are pigs and need help and I now fully support the idea of employing someone who would love to have the work. I despise cleaning.
January 24, 2009: You are not afraid of anything or anyone but, lately, you have been apprehensive about saying what's on your mind because it might cause offence. This is not the time for restraint. Give constructive expression to your feelings.
Accuracy level: Medium. I said what was on my mind alright – I yelled at my mother when she tried to offer advice when my son was acting up at his fourth birthday party. But the next day, I constructively expressed that it was the situation I yelled at, not her.
January 25, 2009: You won't need much luck. Planetary pressures indicate that a certain battle is far from over, but a small break will give you the upper hand.
Accuracy level: Low. No battles except between me and the constant filthiness of my house.
January 26, 2009: You are fishing in the sea of serendipity where every catch could be a prize. Even an old boot could have diamonds on its soles. Positive expectation will pay off.
Accuracy level: Low. I have not been fishing since September and I certainly have not found any diamonds lately but I plan to succeed at everything I do, so that’s positive expectations, right?
January 27, 2009: We all have things in our lives we prefer not to face, realities we prefer to ignore. This lunar month suggests, ironically, that you may be in denial of something you could profit from, if you only accepted it.
Accuracy level: Intrigued. I don’t know what I’m ignoring or denying myself that I could be profiting from! Could it be my writing? Could it be that good? Or is it my musical ability? I did just teach myself Katy Perry’s I Kissed a Girl on guitar…hmmm. Maybe I should take it on the road?
January 28, 2009: A helpful discussion and some encouraging encounters will take place over the next few days. You are a unique individual facing a situation that cannot be compared to anyone else's. A troublesome scenario will look much better by the weekend.
Accuracy level: Low. I have had some encouraging encounters and helpful discussions but there’s nothing troublesome about any scenario I’m involved in yet.
January 29, 2009: You may not like all that you see, but at least it's a realistic picture. This will save a lot of angst down the line. A level-headed approach will attract winds that will steer your ship to a welcoming port.
Accuracy level: Low. Says nothing to me.
January 30, 2009: If you demonstrate by your actions that you know what you want, fate will reveal a better alternative. By being decisive, it is possible to ensure progress.
Accuracy level: High. I believe this. I need to be clear in my dreams. I will say it again – I want to be published this year. I will see my writing in a publication. There.
January 31, 2009: You can question another's strange behaviour, but it may trigger a hostile reaction. Proceed with caution.
Accuracy level: High. My husband and I had a huge fight because he wanted to get a better recycling system in place. I blew up.
If you’re reading these words, I can’t believe you read the whole entry. Even I got seriously bored…but then I got interested again but then again, it was about me. Thanks, if you did make it to the end!
originally posted: 11:13 AM - 2009-FEB-10