Wednesday, August 11, 2010


What is with kids getting sporadically sick, for no reason, no warning at all? And what’s with the sick leaving as quickly as it came (not that I’m complaining)? Does the dangling explanation of “what the hell just happened?“ keep anyone else up for the rest of the night? 

Last Thursday, my five-year-old woke at 11:30, came into our room and crawled in with me complaining of a stomach ache. Steve wanted to give us more space (or, more accurately, give himself more space) so went in to sleep with our three-year-old, Griffin. I guess I should mention that D and G share a double bed. As Steve laid down in the bed, he encountered wet. He thought it was Duncan-drool, but then the odour of bile struck and he realized he laid in puke. Ewewew. 

He came in carrying Griffin, told me what happened, stripped off the puke-bedding, then immediately jumped in the shower. Duncan had been snuggled up to me until Steve debriefed me and that was when I was accosted by the stench of puke. Is there really anything worse than that smell? I stripped off his shirt and changed him into fresh clothes even though he didn’t even flinch. Could he not smell/taste/feel it? I guess not. Anyway, I lay there in bed for the rest of the night, letting him play with my ear, recoiling from him every time he moved/coughed/breathed, all the while neurotically wondering: what made him puke? He had no fever. No one mentioned any sickness at daycare. We all ate the same thing that night with no similar reaction….yet. Oh man, is that a stomach pang I feel? Is my head hurting? Is that a chill? No, no and no. So what was it then? Is he going to puke again? Oh please, no. Do we have time, as a family to get sick? Can I miss work? What about our vacation next week? Oh I hate puking. Do I have any other clean sheets? I should put the puke sheets in the washer now, just in case. I should at least get a towel and lay it on the pillows so if he pukes I can replace them and not get puke on the pillow cases. I hate puke-smell. Should I get him a bucket? Is he hot? No. Oh my stomach…is that a pain? No. Ugh. Five more hours til I have to get up. 

I don‘t want to puuuke! !

originally posted: 10:06 AM - 2010-JUL-30

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